Anyhow, on with the final week of Jan. in pictures.
Jan. 25- I forgot to take a picture until at about 11:30 at night I was sitting there with my husband and pulled out my camera. He posed for me. Nice huh.....
Jan. 26- The photography challenge on SCS this week was "A is for..." We had to take a picture of something starting with an A. Mine is A is for Antiques. I took several pictures of various antiques around my house but this one of my antique treadle sewing machine is my favorite.
Jan. 27- Fabrics for baby quilts and receiving blankets. I have some for boys and girls. I know it is probably still a long way off before the adoption process is complete and we have our baby placed with us. But I thought I would get a jump start. :)
Jan. 28- Plant in my front yard. Just practicing with my Macro lens.
Jan. 31- Again, I forgot to take a picture until late at night. Hubby and I were playing the Wii so I thought I would take a picture of that. Why not right?
And as an added bonus: My daughter has been auditioning for her school musical. That is a huge deal in and of itself cause she gets terrible stage fright. She made it all the way to call backs for the part of Sandy in Grease (she didn't originally try out for Sandy either, but the teacher liked her so much that she was asked to do a call back for Sandy). (side note, why didn't we do fun musicals like Grease in high school? Just sayin') She didn't make it for that part but was put in the Chorus. I was so proud of her. Just the fact that she audtioned was huge for her. So I tell her I will fly up and come see her in the play thinking I am just going to see her in the Chorus right? Well then she calls me on Monday and tells me that she not only is in the Chorus, but she is the understudy for the part of Frenchy! That is the part she originally wanted, not to mention the part that 75% of the other girls who audtioned wanted. :) Well, the really cool thing about her drama teacher is that her teacher beleives that understudy's put just as much work and effort into learning the part as the actual actors who are playing the part do, so feels that the understudy's should actually get to be on stage as well in the role of the part they are understudying for (with me still?). So the play runs for 3 nights. 2 of those nights she will be in the chorus and the other night my girl will be on stage as Frenchy! I am so very proud of her. Hubby and I are both going up for it. :)
Let us know when the play is!!!!
That picture of Sirius is a classic! He looks like he's thinking, "Seriously woman! That camera in your hands is nothing but trouble for me at the other end of it!"
congrats on the paly! That is awesome!!!
Congrats on the play - what a great thing for the drama teacher to do! Love the doggy photo - that's a cool effect!
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